Photo Credit: WEBN, Flickr

NFL Owners Didn’t Bother With Formal Vote on Significant Anthem Policy Change

So, the truth comes out regarding the votes of owners on the new NFL policy.  Listening to Roger Goodell and the owners who announced the policy at a press conference, one would think there was a form…

Photo Credit: None provided

NFL Owners Disgrace Themselves And Mandate Players Stand For Anthem

Article below by Jill Martin at  Our commentary on this disgraceful rule change is here.  Suffice it to say that Black people need to find their courage. Not only should players not stand for…

Photo Credit: Jarmoluk, CC

New Evidence Shows NFL Clearly Assessed Kaepernick as a Starting Quarterback

Article below by Sean Wagner-McGough at  Well well well.  Turns out discovery--the process in a lawsuit where the parties may request relevant information from one another, including do…

Photo Credit: Kraft Sports Productions, Flickr

Robert Kraft, An Owner With Signficant Ties to POTUS, Deposed in Kaepernick’s Case

Next up on the collusion deposition carousel appears to be none other than Robert Kraft, who notoriously has extensive ties to President Donald "Sons-a-bitches" Trump; of course, Kraft was also caught…