Photo Credit: Nick Kenrick, Flickr

NFL Anthem Policy in Horrific Company–Similar Policy Enforced by Nazis in 1934

Frequently a historical tidbit reminds us of the saying that there is nothing new under the sun.  Turns out the NFL's new draconian policy mandating that players stand and "show respect" for the flag …

Photo Credit: None Provided

The NFL Provides Players With A Toby Moment, and They Should Resoundingly Respond

At its annual Spring League meeting, the NFL announced that players will be required to “stand and show respect” for the national anthem if they are on the sidelines.  Any player that refuses to do so…

Photo Credit: Michel Curi, Flickr

Players Contemplate Forms of Resistance to Master Goodell’s Authoritarian Policy

Article below by Julia Manchester at  Contrary to recent absurd protestations by Sunkye West, our people have always resisted our dehumanization and mistreatment in this country. NFL play…

Photo Credit: Alan Cleaver, Flickr

Exposing “Football Decision” Lie, NFL Commissioned Opinion Poll on Signing Kaepernick

Article by Charles Robinson at  As more and more information emerges reflecting the utter disdain the NFL and its owners had for Kaepernick's decision to kneel during the anthem, the strong…