In a Slap in the Face to Kaepernick, Seahawks Sign QB Stephen Morris

Photo Credit: Anupam_ts, Flickr

Article below by Kevin Patra at  What are these teams thinking?  It looks as if the NFL wants to provide Kaepernick the closest thing he may have seen yet to direct evidence of collusion.  After cancelling Kaepernick’s scheduled work-out when he did not unequivocally promise not to kneel during the anthem, the Seattle Seahawks sign an undrafted free agent quarterback who has never played in an NFL game.  This just days after the Cincinnati Bengals essentially put Eric Reid through the same song and dance to determine if he also “knew his place.” That both of these teams made decisions not to provide employment opportunities to players who protested given Kaepernick’s collusion allegation is unbelievable.  There is clearly an understanding among teams that the most outspoken players who exercise their right to protest as allowed by the NFL’s rules are not welcome; and the actions by the Bengals and the Seahawks provide fuel to the fire of Kaepernick’s allegations. 

The Seattle Seahawks plan to add a backup quarterback not named Colin Kaepernick.

The Seahawks signed free-agent signal-caller Stephen Morris, the team announced Friday.

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