NBA commissioner discourages protests
Report that National Basketball Association Commissioner Adam Silver says players standing for the national anthem is “the appropriate thing to do.”
Report that National Basketball Association Commissioner Adam Silver says players standing for the national anthem is “the appropriate thing to do.”
Following comments by Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay which were critical of national anthem protests against racism, Terricka Cromartie, wife of Antonio Cromartie, contends that the Colts released…
Report that officials cancelled the season of the Beaumont Bulls, a Texas Youth Football team of 11 and 12 years olds, as a result of the players' September 10 and 17, 2016 national anthem protests ag…
Justice Ginsburg releases statement saying that her earlier comments on not standing for the national anthem were “inappropriately dismissive and harsh,” and that she “should have declined to respond.…
The American Legion Executive Committee issued a resolution requiring all of its program participants to “show proper respect to the Flag of the United States, at all times, including during the Natio…
Frank Dolan, a member of the Richmond County School Board, recommends suspension from the team, squad, or band of any student athlete, cheerleader, or band member who does not stand for the national a…
Leah Tysse becomes the first national anthem singer to engage in a national anthem protest against racism while singing the national anthem. She did so at a Sacramento Kings exhibition game. Sacramen…
United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls the act of not standing during the national anthem “dumb and disrespectful” during an interview for Yahoo News.
North Carolina governor, Pat McCrory, calls the East Carolina University band members' decision to kneel during the national anthem in protest of racism “extremely inappropriate.”…
The Professional Bull Riders organization issues an official statement noting that all of its riders have pledged to stand during the national anthem.