Archives: Timeline Stories

After Historic Day of Protests, POTUS Responds

POTUS responds to accusations that his criticisms of players has nothing to do with race, but instead is based upon his belief that they are disrespecting the country and the American flag. POTUS went…

Tennessee State Legislators Sound Off About Protests

Tennessee state lawmakers made varying remarks over the next few days regarding the protests.  While some like Representative Raumesh Akbari encouraged kneeling during the anthem, Representatives Mart…

NFL Players Association Issues a Response

The NFLPA issues a lengthy statement in response to POTUS's comments. Both NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith and President Eric Winston provide comments. Excerpts include Smith stating "[n]o ma…

NFL Owners Respond to POTUS’s Comments

Several NFL team owners, including the New York Giants, Miami Dolphins, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, Greenbay Packers, and Atlanta Falcons, release statements in response to the comments by …